It's OK! That's enough!
With dusk approaching, I hear the pretty voice of children from the shrubbery outside of a balcony. "Ready or not. Here I come." "It's OK!" This is the most soothing moment to me in a day.
Looking at the current world, it's full of satiation and loose management which makes me shout "It's OK! That's enough!”
TVs, cars, smartphones, commentators, talents undergoing dubious purification ceremonies. There is an endless list of "it's-ok" things such as opinion polls, shoddy councilors and university professors, Olympic Games, foreign tourists and high-rise buildings. We see cards everywhere and faces covered with masks. After My Number is introduced, I am sure that we will see people with no face, with no character like a weird machine everywhere. In a way, it's almost like attainment of Buddhahood during life! The God who created Adam and Eve must be surprised. That's enough!
?Does science save the human being at all??People say science is convenient and kind, but it seems to me that it will make the world complicated, and time and human beings may disappear by fading. It's OK! Nobel Prize? "That's enough!"
?Incidentally, my exhibition in Seigetsudo Gallery in March was a really good one that was supported by many people. I am truly grateful to them. My exhibition at Tanakaya Gallery in Hirosaki in April started 10 days before the Sakura Matsuri festival. Surprisingly, cherry blossoms started to bloom as my exhibition started which made it a heartwarming atmosphere. There is a solid daily life and people who honor it!?Hirosaki has the good old days.
?My one-man exhibition in Ukraine in June was held between the 10th and the 28th at the Hanenko Museum in its capital Kiev. 30 pieces of my works were gathered from Paris and Japan and exhibited there. We were welcomed by 13 media (3 TV stations and 10 newspapers) and passionate observers which led to impressive interaction. I would like to give my special thanks to all the people in Ukraine, Ms. Vira, Director of the Hanenko Museum, Mr. Kushnarov, Director of the Ukraine-Japan Center, Ms. Svitlana, Furukawa-san, Miyazaki-san, Mr. Sumi, Japanese ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Ukraine, Ms. Shiori Saito and Francois in Paris. I will have another exhibition in Bordeaux in France in August. I will report to you about it.
On Jun 30, Tsuzen Nakajima